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Bester arriva sulla stazione per indagare su una organizzazione segreta che permette ai telepati umani di sfuggire al Corpo Psi. Sheridan e Ivanova protestano contro la nuova direttiva dell'Alleanza Terrestre: alloggi a pagamento anche per gli ufficiali comandanti. Delenn invita Sheridan a cena.
Tempo: 00:41
Ivanova: They want us to relocate to smaller quarters or start paying rent. Sheridan: Rent? Ivanova: Yes, sir. Thirty credits a week. Starting immediately. Sheridan: And this "us" would be... Ivanova: You and me, yes. Everyone else is pretty much to code. Sheridan: Oh, yeah? Well you can tell Earth Central they can take a flying... Tempo: 01:05
Sheridan: Ivanova! I am not moving and I am not paying the rent! And neither are you! Ivanova: Sir? Sheridan: Look, we cannot let them divide us on this. It is wrong! I mean, we're on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, busting our butts for Earth, and now they wanna charge us for an extra 5 square feet? Ivanova: Seven feet. Sheridan: Whatever! I... I'll go live in Downbelow before I'll pay them a penny! And you can tell those bean counters that they can go to hell! And that's for both of us! Ivanova: Yes, sir! [...] And it was starting out to be such a nice, quiet little day... Tempo: 02:06
Bester (al telepate che sta interrogando): You were raised by the Corps, clothed by the Corps. We are your father and your mother. Tempo: 05:11
Franklin: Are you sure you know what you are doing? Sheridan: Absolutely. Those paper pushers back home probably figured that since I'm new here, I'll go along with the whole rent idea, just to make everybody happy. That's how it starts, believe me. They nibble a little bit here, little bit there. Next thing you know you are not even in charge of your own command anymore. Franklin: No taxation without representation. Get me liberty or get me death! Sheridan: Abso-fraggin-lutely. A bunch of... butt-scratching, hand-wringing, penny-pinching, lets-stick-it-to-the-new-guy pin-heads, all of them. Thirty credits a week! I say let them cut back on those expense-account lunches, then come talk to me, right? Franklin: Right. Sheridan: Yeah. Franklin: You're doomed, you know. Tempo: 07:51
Sheridan: One day they're shooting at you, the next day they're taking you out to dinner. Hah! What a universe! Tempo: 09:33
Garibaldi: It's damn ironic, isn't it? The Corps got started because we were afraid of telepaths, and now they're victims of our own fears. We took away every right they had and shoved them into a big black box called Psi Corps. Now, look at them. Black uniforms, jack boots, giving orders... some days they scare the hell out of me. Sheridan: Yeah, if you ask me, we created our own monster. Maybe we deserve it. Tempo: 11:11
Bester (a Talia): They're here. I was right! Tempo: 15:18
Delenn (a Sheridan): We believe that no race can be truly intelligent without laughter. Tempo: 19:48
Sheridan: I heard a good one today. How many Minbari does it take to screw in a lightbulb? Ivanova: I don't know, sir. How many Minbari does it take to screw in a lightbulb? Sheridan: None. They always surrender right before they finish the job and they never tell you why. Tempo: 20:08
Sheridan: Knock, knock. Ivanova: Who's there? Sheridan: Kosh. Ivanova: Kosh who? Sheridan: Gesundheit. Tempo: 21:44
Bester: They must be getting desperate to try something like this. They know we're on to them! Why else would they try to kill me? Ivanova: Is this a multiple-choice question? Tempo: 29:56
Sheridan: I thought the message said for me to come alone! Franklin: It did. Sheridan: Well, don't you think your presence might scare off the guy who's running this operation? Franklin: No, not really, considering I am the guy running this operation! Sheridan: I hope you have one hell of a good explanation for this, doctor! Talia: I think he does, captain. And I think you should listen to him. I think you should listen to all of them! Tempo: 36:36
Franklin: Then what are you saying? Sheridan: I'm not saying what I'm saying. I'm not saying what I'm thinking. As a matter of fact, I'm not thinking what I'm thinking. There's only one thing in my mind right now. Franklin: What's that? Sheridan: I need a drink. Franklin: And a place to stay. Sheridan: Thanks, doc! I just about managed to forget about that! Tempo: 37:38
Leader dei telepati: You are more than you think you are. Talia: Then what am I? Leader dei telepati: The future. Tempo: 38:04
Ivanova: Item two. You snore. Sheridan: No, I don't. Ivanova: Yes, you do. Sheridan: No, I don't. Ivanova: Captain, either you snore or last night we had a hell of a breach in the hull. Tempo: 38:18
Ivanova: They gave in? Sheridan: No. Ivanova: You gave in? Sheridan: Not exactly. I'm deducting 60 credits per week from the budget set aside to maintaining combat readyness and applying it against the rent. Ivanova: On what grounds? Sheridan: On the grounds that I'm not ready to fight anybody until I've had a decent night sleep in my own damn bed. You got a problem with that? Ivanova: No, none whatsoever. I rather like the idea of Earth Central paying rent to itself. There's a certain symmetry. |
Ultima variazione della pagina: giovedì 01 gennaio 2009, 17:47:05 | |||
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